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Eighth Michigan Infantry Co. C
Getting Involved


We're Looking For A Few Good Men!
Well... I guess you'll do for now.

The 8th regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry would like to welcome you and your interest in our organization. We hope that we can provide the opportunities you want, and meet the expectations you have, for Civil War re-enacting. Our goal is to provide safe, authentic, and real-life experiences of what civil war soldiering was like. Whether it be on a campaign field, in the trenches or stuck on some lonely garrison duty, it is our hope that you will experience just a little of what our ancestors did over 135 years ago.

The Eighth is actively recruiting at this time for new members. If you are new to re-enacting and would like to try it before making the investment we have lots of spare gear you can borrow for your first events. We give you a year to obtain the basic equipment. We have specific standards for uniforms, muskets, etc. so contact us before you buy anything. We are always glad to help and willing to share our wisdom.

For those of you with experience you should know that we wear standard sack coats and require 3 banded 1853 Enfields or 1861 Springfields. If you have something different, contact us and we can tell you if it is acceptable as some variations are allowed.

Recruits must be trained in safety procedures before taking the field. Anyone deemed unsafe will not be allowed on the field. All members are encouraged to attend Spring Muster for a yearly review before the season starts. This is a good experience to start with as it includes drill in marching, company maneuvers, etc. and gives you an opportunity to learn the basics. But you can join at anytime and recieve training at your first event.

If this sounds like your kind of unit please contact us at EighthMichigan@Yahoo.com or use this link:

Contact us!

Eighth Michigan Medical

Three Cheers for the Ladies!

This is a seperate group that provides modern first aide at re-enactments.

Under 18? Not a problem!

During the war, drummer boys were accepted at 12 years of age and soldiers as young as 14 or 15. We try to follow the same rule, although not all ages can participate fully at all events because of the rules of the event. (Most frequently, no one under 17 can carry a musket.)

Safety is our primary concern and new recruits must be mature enough to participate. Handling of firearms, even with blanks, is a serious business. Recruits will be thoroughly trained before taking the field. Furthermore it should be noted that the Eighth Michigan bans underage drinking.

Fathers and sons usually did join the same company and this can be a very satisfying experience. Our Captain for the year 2001, Scott Steele, joined about 6-7 years ago at the age of 15, I believe. His father, Gayle joined at the same time and has obtained the rank of 1st Sergeant. Many members of the Eighth are also active in Scouting and the Big Brothers and are used to working with young people. Please contact us about this for details.

Where Do I Start?

Here you are and now how do you join? First of all contact us via the links on this site or call us, we'll be posting a number soon, and we will help with the rest. We will give you advice on where and what to buy for your uniform, accouterments, and weapons. We will show you how to camp, take care of yourself and equipment on campaign and most of all we will give you the comeraderie that those men had after "seeing the elephant", and living together for four years. Remember this is a military unit that will train you and teach you. You must respect regulations, designated NCOs and officers of the unit but most of all you must have FUN!! So if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask your NCOs, officers and pards, they are there to help you have a safe and enjoyable time.

Contact us!

We Support The Save the Flags Campaign

Michigan's Battleflags currently reside in a special vault in the State Archives and are periodically brought out for display. They suffered from many years of neglect and decay and are in the process of being preserved by modern methods.

Go to their page by clicking here.